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Church picnic: The annual church picnic takes place on Sunday, October 13 at 12:00 p.m. This year the picnic will take place here at church. The church will supply the main course and congregation members are asked to bring side dishes and deserts. We will have activities for children and adults. There will be a fire pit for roasting marshmallows and making smores.  Please bring lawn chairs to enjoy the time outside. 


LWML Sunday: LWML Sunday will be Oct. 20. Each year in October we remember the purpose and the mission of the LWML ( "Lutheran Women's Missionary League"). The LWML has been an organization within our church body since 1942 to encourage and support mission outreach, especially among women.  Here at Good Shepherd we engage in a monthly Bible Study, we support each other in prayer and friendship and laughter, we sponsor a quilting day each month, and we save our coins along with women across the country to put them to work in the kingdom. These little bits of money pile up and fund many mission projects. If you have some change in your pocket on the 20th, join your mites to ours in this ministry! Take home some cookies as a gift from us, and join us in any of our activities.


LWML: The LWML will meet for Bible study and fellowship on Thursday, Oct. 17 at 10:00 a.m.


Quilting: The quilters will meet on Thursday, Oct. 24 at 9:30 a.m.


Voters’ meeting: The Fall Voters’ meeting will take place on Sunday, Oct. 27.  The main item of business will be to consider the proposed budget for 2025.  A copy of the budget will be in your mailboxes on Sunday, Oct. 20.


Next Bible study: The next Bible study will look at God’s promises. The God who keeps his promises, has promised us salvation in Jesus Christ, and gives us the promise of Baptism, Absolution, and the Sacrament of the Altar. The Wednesday Bible study has just begun, and the Sunday group will start it in the near future at date that will be announced.


Choir: The choir meets for practice on Wednesdays at 6:00 a.m.


Altar guild: Members are needed who are willing to serve on the Altar Guild. 


Safety Team: The Safety Team works to address a variety of issues that enhance the welfare of congregation members attending Good Shepherd.  We would like to add new members to the Safety Team. 

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